(913) 475-8298  | kkorte@alliance-foods.com


I am the Director of Sales concentrating on large and small grocery and off-the-beaten-path retail and distributors. I have over 25 years of experience in sales and specialize in finding hidden gems.


I spend as much time with my daughter as possible. And my cat. And my sisters. I was in Peace Corps and I have traveled the world so I am very lucky to have dear friends all over the globe.


I am interested in anything to do with art—music, movies, books, paintings, plays—name it. I am a vinyl record collector so I have thousands of them. I listen to music pretty much all the time. I am also a huge sports fan. Go Jayhawks! Go Chiefs! Go Orioles! I play all sports but my favorites to play are racquetball and ping-pong.


My favorite food is Uzbek. I learned how to prepare many dishes in my time living there and I put my own (sort of) creative spin on them from time to time. Greatest meal? I am a huge spicy food eater. When I was in Thailand I ordered the spiciest thing I could get from a beachfront café and she burned me up! I was so happy to be in such pain that I went to the kitchen and gave the cook a big hug! I think she thought I was crazy.